Welcome to our site

welcome text --- Nam sed nisl justo. Duis ornare nulla at lectus varius sodales quis non eros. Proin sollicitudin tincidunt augue eu pharetra. Nulla nec magna mi, eget volutpat augue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer tincidunt iaculis risus, non placerat arcu molestie in.

its the beginning!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

olla freaks!..or whoever constantly sad to read this
i have decided to write..this..whatever people call it blog
apparently because recent misfortune events occured to me!
well..not misfortune..just pathetic one..i am of course whose made that all happened~
but what ever it is..i have my list to start this since i'm not a great writer
1 - read books, newspapers[have i ever read that?], text messages, emails, others' blog, letters, et cetera
2 - eat more healthy food[well..that's nearly impossible]
3 - save more cash dude!
4 - stalk on others [its optional]

dunno whether these can help me but sure i gonna make it happen
who cares what others think..'

for starters..do check my tumblr
weird? tumblr's only a place for me to express my devoted feelings towards the end of world..especially when i feels an excess of eyeballs left in my skull